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Registration for the 2017-18 school year is open for students in grades 7 and 8.


In order for your child to participate, you must complete the following 3 steps:

  1. Payment Process

  2. Registration Form for 2017-18

  3. Join Yahoo! Group


To pay for the contests and copying costs, there is a small fee of $25 per participant. Please click on the link below for payment (fill all the fields before submitting payment). After the payment process, please come back to this page and follow through with the remaining steps.







To register your child for the Quimby Oak Math Program, please complete the form below.  (Use the Scroll bar to complete fully)































Throughout the school year, we maintain communication with parents using a Yahoo! group. It is mandatory for every parent to be a member of this group. Click below to be redirected to the group page, and then click the purple "Join Group" button on the right-hand side.









After your student registration, you will be emailed your student's ID. This ID can be used to check student contest scores in the database maintained on the group. The actual student name is hidden to address privacy concerns. Please remember the student ID. 






Registration for 2017-18 School Year - OPEN

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